Coming Events
Mar 16 - 4:00 pm Presentation on France followed by a Meet and Greet
April 2 - 5:30 pm Thistle Ball
April 5 - 11:30 am Annual Meeting Sarasota - Yacht Club
Apr 20 - 4:00 pm Presentation on Polynesian Cultures of the South Pacific followed by a Meet and Greet
April 2 - 5:30 pm Thistle Ball
April 5 - 11:30 am Annual Meeting Sarasota - Yacht Club
"Our Sister City Perpignan, France: History and Culture” March 16, 2016 Herald-Tribune Community Room,
Sarasota Sister City Presentation
Our Sister City Perpignan, France: History and Culture
Gloria Grenier, Eva Frank, Barbara Frey and Emile Langlois
Our Sister City Perpignan, France: History and Culture
Gloria Grenier, Eva Frank, Barbara Frey and Emile Langlois
After an introduction by Gloria Grenier, Sister City Director for Perpignan, Emile Langlois, Assistant City Director, will present the history of Perpignan, for many centuries closer to Spain than to France. Barbara Frey, former President of the Alliance Française de Sarasota, and Eva Frank, instructor at the Alliance Française, will then compare the cultural aspects of Perpignan and Sarasota. History and culture combine to make of Perpignan, capital of Northern Catalonia, a special place with original characteristics.
A small donation of $5.00 to SCAS is suggested.
Our monthly Sister City Meet & Greet will follow at 5:00 pm at Patrick's at 1481 Main St, Sarasota, FL
Our monthly Sister City Meet & Greet will follow at 5:00 pm at Patrick's at 1481 Main St, Sarasota, FL
Click for Google Maps Link
For further Information, Contact:
Ray Young, Sarasota Sister Cities Assn
phone: 941-227-7509
For further Information, Contact:
Ray Young, Sarasota Sister Cities Assn
phone: 941-227-7509
Thistle Ball April 2, 2016
The Caledonian Club of Sarasota invites you to join them at the 30th Anniversary "Thistle Ball":
Saturday, April 2, 2016, at 5:30 PM
Venetian Golf & River Club
502 Veneto Boulevard, North Venice
502 Veneto Boulevard, North Venice
$60,- per person, RSVP by March 18
For info contact: Mary Ellen at:
Annual Meeting / Annual Report / Election of Officers Tuesday April 5, 2015 at the Sarasota Yacht Club
Annual Meeting / Annual Report
Election of Officers
11:30 am Tuesday April 5, 2015
Sarasota Yacht Club
Address: 1100 John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone:(941) 365-4191
The luncheon will open at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at noon. The meeting will commence at noon and will be chaired by President Beth Ruyle-Hullinger.
The agenda for the meeting include the Annual Report by the President, the distribution of the Revised Bylaws, and the Nomination and Election of Officers.
RSVPs, meal selection and $25 payment are requested by April 1, 2016 to meet requirements of the Sara Bay Country Club. All meals coffee, tea or soda; cash bar is also available.
Address: 1100 John Ringling Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone:(941) 365-4191
The luncheon will open at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at noon. The meeting will commence at noon and will be chaired by President Beth Ruyle-Hullinger.
The agenda for the meeting include the Annual Report by the President, the distribution of the Revised Bylaws, and the Nomination and Election of Officers.
RSVPs, meal selection and $25 payment are requested by April 1, 2016 to meet requirements of the Sara Bay Country Club. All meals coffee, tea or soda; cash bar is also available.
You can pay by Check or Credit Card:
Make checks payble to SCAS and mail to:
Sister Cities Association of Sarasota
April Luncheon
City Hall - 1565 First Street
Sarasota, FL 34236
We take all major credit cards (Pay Pal is how we receive the payment):
All the Scoop that is fit to print and some that is not:
Blog (This is our online newsletter)
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